Here is the list of commands commonly used in django projects.
django-admin startproject app #(Create main project)
All following commands are to be run from inside main app folder that we created with the first command.
python runserver #Run local server
python migrate #Run all database migrations
python makemigration #Create any new migration created file
python startapp <app_name> #Create new application within the main app folder
#application created using this command won't be automatically enabled,
#but we need to go in app/app/ and need to add our new application name at the end of INSTALLED_APPS list.
python shell #To open interactive Django shell like Tinker for Laravel
Below is a sample code that tell us how we can benefit from interactive shell. Using that we easily created two database entries using Track model of an application’s model.
(react-tracks) python shell
Python 3.7.2 (default, Nov 10 2011, 15:00:00)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from tracks.models import Track
>>> Track.objects.create(title="Track 1", desc="Track 1 description...", url="")
<Track: Track object (1)>
>>> Track.objects.create(title="Track 2", desc="Track 2 description...", url="")
<Track: Track object (2)>
>>> exit()